21 min 38HRD Café S03E06 Lichtvoetig leren in communities is de toekomst!
39 min 17De Pieterjan van Wijngaarden Interviews Interview with Karangwa Diogene
Inspiring Impacts with Luc Verheijen
Das Neue Normal 'Das Neue Normal - Was steht jetzt eigentlich an?'
A podcast inquiry on generative journalism Episode 5 - Concluding Thoughts
Trends From Over The World: An Interview With John Sanei
Leadership and reconciliation
WAIC Radio
11-28-2024 /
Realist evaluation of an art-based intervention to enhance creative learning in an organizational setting
02-02-2024 /
The Angelic Smile Experiment
08-15-2023 /
Synergy unleashed: Key factors for effective collaboration in consortia
05-10-2023 /
Appreciative Inquiry for life: working with nature in a time of ecological crisis
11-24-2022 /
Scaling up innovation without losing ‘the sparkle’: a case study of three innovation practices
05-12-2021 /
AI Practitioner: The Open Issue May 2021
07-20-2020 /
Songs of Wonder
03-03-2020 /
Contesting the dominant narrative
11-30-2019 /
Songs of Wonder - AI Practitioner
09-09-2019 /
The Art of Participation is Contribution and Connection
09-09-2019 /
The Craft of Participation in a Changing World: how AI Practitioners can Help in 'Holding Space' for Generative Conversations.
09-09-2019 /
I participate, therefore I am
09-09-2019 /
Developing a Participative Company Strategy at Netherlands Railways
09-09-2019 /
The Children Need to Feel Like They Made the Play Themselves: An interview on Creating Participatory Theatre in Belgium
09-09-2019 /
Introduction to The Craft of Participation in a Changing World: How AI Practitioners Can Help in ‘Holding Space’ for Generative Conversations
09-09-2019 /
Participation is a Logical Consequence
09-09-2019 /
Epilogue: From Ideation Participation to Distribution of Responsibilit
11-06-2018 /
Exploring the learning potential of evaluation research by a review of 17 impact studies
11-06-2018 /
Learning interventions are only then successful when people actually start doing something differently in their day-to-day work
03-09-2018 /
Defining and Exploring Highly Integrative Questions: Towards an Integrative Consultancy Approach in a Complex World
12-05-2017 /
MADE Magazine nummer 2
11-28-2017 /
The impact of a leadership program
06-26-2017 /
MADE Magazine nummer 1
11-17-2016 /
Leadership when no-one shines on the leaderboard
09-13-2016 /
Learning by experimenting. Four building blocks that help to start your own experiment
11-26-2015 /
The Importance in Creating Trust
10-30-2015 /
Zero-sum game impoverishes us
06-06-2015 /
Organizational change: one conversation at a time
04-01-2014 /
Spieltrieb nutzen, um die Realität zu optimieren
12-22-2013 /
Innovation and sustainable development through entrepreneurship
09-23-2013 /
Listen to the radio!
09-20-2013 /
Intrapreneurship kan een bedrijf vooruit helpen
05-03-2012 /
Curaçao, our nation. An Appreciative Inquiry about the future of Curaçao
04-09-2012 /
Shop assistants as instigators of innovation: analysis of 26 innovation initiatives in 17 Dutch supermarkets
04-01-2012 /
Experimenting, reinventing the wheel and talking with friends
11-29-2011 /
The behavioural aspects of Learning from Incidents
11-06-2011 /
Characteristics of learning environments which support knowledge productivity and which facilitate innovation
10-27-2011 /
Learning with the intention of innovating: 11 design principles for knowledge productivity
07-15-2011 /
Becoming a Learning Organisation: Case Study
11-01-2010 /
Appreciative facilitation based on practical rules of thumb
09-20-2010 /
Safety & Mindset
05-29-2010 /
Monitoring and Evaluating Knowledge Management Strategies
11-24-2009 /
Personal and Organisational Resilience
03-05-2009 /
Using complexity thinking as a frame for managing change and 'making the future in organisations : A case study
01-28-2009 /
Newsletter January 2009
12-15-2008 /
"I've embraced wonderful new opportunities"
04-09-2008 /
The prescriptive quality of 11 design principles for knowledge productivity
03-16-2008 /
'Rain making in South Africa: connecting the right parties'
02-05-2008 /
Playing for our future: we need more play!
12-30-2007 /
De sunrise manager heeft het koud in Zuid-Afrika
11-30-2007 /
Roze bril of zwartkijken?
11-29-2007 /
In dialogue about diversity training
10-30-2007 /
Droomland Zuid-Afrika
08-30-2007 /
Hey brotha hier is dai mense hulle soek jou is chandies
16 min
An organization as a community